Set in New Orleans and featuring a colourful cast of louche but loveable characters, the story follows Titania through the backstreets, bars and club of the French Quarter in search of the perfect lover – the Gaudy Image.
Originally published in Europe in the 50s to avoid prosecution for obscenity, The Gaudy Image is one of the most important ‘lost’ gay novels.
A beautifully written story that is both elegant and caustically humorous, erotic and sympathetic.
For fans of Dorothy Baker, Bryan Washington and Zak Salih.
William Talsman was the pseudonym of James M Smith a US writer and poet, who is considered to be one of the founders of modern gay literature.
ISBN: 9788728024720
Utgivningsdatum: 2021-12-22
Språk: Engelska
Författare: William Talsman
Uppläsare: Walles Hamonde
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Längd: 7h 44min
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