Module 1,2,3 is coming from Grundteknik för barn och ungdomar med autism 1995, The basics for Autism, 1995. I will start webinar at and to help coming in the first module about senses. I just wrote. Sensory stimulation about different flowers and now this is about Water. I started as a budget planner for free time activities in Stockholm and when I saw that was no free time in School I made a pilot survey. Then I coached other communities As Huddinge, Täby, Vallentuna in starting up free time activities. I also worked in disability politics for ten year's. I started to research in special pedagogic in Autism 1997 and made a computer program in ADL.”Vardag med Benji och polarna”. I was not financed so I stopped and continued by myself.
ISBN: 9789174635348
Utgivningsdatum: 2015-08-12
Språk: Svenska
Författare: Pia Lebsund
Förlag: Books on Demand