A classic short story (novel) in the fantasy and horror genre.
In the Dark
It was a tale of sheer horror that old Asa Gregg poured into the dictaphone.
Especially he didn't want to remember the frightful time he'd had stripping the gold rings from her fingers, and the one gold tooth in her head....
I carried her into the storage room. I got the lid off one of the acid tanks. The vat contained an acid powerful enough to destroy anything—except gold. In fact, the vat itself had to be lined with gold-leaf...
ISBN: 9789187155260
Utgivningsdatum: 2022-01-09
Språk: Engelska
Författare: Ronal Kayser
Uppläsare: Pierce Delgatto
Förlag: Grammofonbolaget
Längd: 17min 38s
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