The book contains 292 exercises that are intended to be used in classrooms, regardless of whether the participants are young or adults. The training is presented in three chapters. In the first, the pedagogical format of the method is described with suggestions for possible pedagogical arrangements in the execution of the exercises. This applies to such details as which texts are used, how the work is done in the groups and how to give feedback.
The second chapter contains preparatory exercises. They are intended for training basic skills such as acceptable speech flow, association ability, social role-taking and adopting alternative attitudes in speech. The third chapter contains specifically directed rhetorical exercises that relate to the speech situation (intellectio), argumentation (inventio), disposition (dispositio), language adaptation (elocutio), memorization (memoria) and live performance (actio).
ISBN: 9789177655312
Utgivningsdatum: 2021-03-10
Språk: Svenska
Författare: Istvan Pusztai
Förlag: Recito Förlag
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